Tag: hormone

Core Pilates & Yoga Llc

What is Clomid

What Is Clomid and Why Do Bodybuilders Use It?

What exactly is Clomid? Clomid is a powerful antiestrogen that works in a similar way as Tamoxifen in terms of preventing estrogen production. Beginning in the 1970s, Clomid became more popular as a treatment for female infertility. It is still utilized for this reason today, as seen by its continued usage on the market. In…
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Cabergoline: All You Need When Bodybuilding

Cabergoline In this instance, a Cabergoline oral tablet is a prescription medication that is only available as a generic medication. There is currently no brand-name version of this product available. Cabergoline is only available as a tablet that must be swallowed. What it is used for  Cabergoline is a medication that is used to treat…
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Why You Need a Good PCT

Why You Need a Good PCT

If you’re currently using performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs) or thinking about doing a cycle, you’ll want to educate yourself on the topic of post cycle therapy. Of course, we’re not suggesting you do anabolic steroids, but we do understand that those who do will need some help to recover and get back on track after the…
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